

To help us with our research and development we rely on members of the public to donate blood, which is used for research purposes. This is completely voluntary, and by donating blood you are:

If you are interested and would like to donate a blood sample, or become a regular donor, then we would love to hear from you.

What’s involved?

Donating blood is very straightforward and takes just 15 minutes at our laboratories in Nottingham, based in the Innovation Building at BioCity on Pennyfoot Street, NG1 1GF.  To become a blood donor, simply complete the enrolment form, and we will be in touch with you to arrange a convenient time.

As a thank you, you will receive an inconvenience allowance worth up to £40 as an Amazon voucher to offset your travel costs and time.

You cannot donate blood if you:

Donor Enrolment Form