Residual host cell DNA quantification

Residual host cell DNA quantification Host cell lines like CHO, E. coli, and HEK293 are used to produce therapeutic proteins. The presence of residual host cell DNA in biopharmaceutical products carried into the body may lead to an increased oncogenicity and/or immunogenicity risk. To mitigate the risk, biopharmaceutical samples were analysed for host cell line […]

Microglia assays

Microglia assays We utilise iPSC microglia assays as In vitro models for microglia mediated neuroinflammation. iPSC Microglia were characterised for TMEM119 and CD11b phenotypic markers (by cell imaging and flowcyte) and validated by cytokine release, phagocytosis, chemotaxis, and cell morphology. Characterisation Figure-A: iPSC-derived microglia were matured for 8 days. Microglia stained with Blue Nuclear marker, […]

hERG binding FP assay

hERG binding FP assay Understanding and managing hERG inhibition properties of a compound at the earliest possible is important to improve safety and efficacy of therapeutic molecules. We utilize Predictor hERG binding fluorescence polarization assay as a tool for assessing hERG channel affinity generating IC50 data that tightly correlates with radioligand/ patch-clamp literature data. Assay […]

Phagocytosis assay

Phagocytosis assay Phagocytosis is a key immune mechanism involves uptake of solid particles into phagosomes, and clearing phagocytosed particles (e.g., pathogens, aggregates of macromolecules, and apoptotic cells). Here, we measured Phagocytosis in whole blood, iPSC Microgila and RAW cells by quantifying engulfed pHrodo bacterial particles. Phagocytosis in human whole blood Figure-A: Healthy donor whole blood […]

Neutrophil Chemotaxis assay

Neutrophil Chemotaxis Assay A robust In vitro assay developed using fresh Neutrophils isolated from healthy donor whole blood. The assay was used to measure compound potency on Neutrophil migration.  The assay utilises Transwell® Permeable Support systems. Neutrophil Chemotaxis activation Figure-A: Fold increase in Neutrophil migration over Vehicle response upon addition of FBS (0% to 20%). […]

Mitochondrial toxicity assessment

Mitochondrial toxicity assessment Mitochondrial toxicity assays provide a means to measure mitochondrial dysfunction due to the toxic effect of a test compound. Our robust and sensitive assay setup can identify or rule out potential toxicity caused by mitochondrial impairment. ATP Synthesis Assay Figure-A: Measuring ATP generation in the presence of glucose (glucose media) and absence […]

Macrophage assays

Macrophage assays Isolated monocytes from fresh healthy donor whole blood were differentiated into macrophages. Validated by cytokine profiling and surface marker expression. Suitable In vitro assay models for measuring compound effect on macrophage cell function and gene expression. Macrophage differentiation Figure-A: Methods for isolation of monocytes, maintenance, and differentiation into M1 and M2 phenotype macrophages. […]

Target expression studies

Target expression studies: different approaches measuring target expression Target expression patterns provide valuable insight in target validation, understanding biology, and the molecular basis for compound effect. Expression studies can be performed at protein level, mRNA level, secretion level, at surface level, and expression by immunofluorescence. Gene expression by qPCR (RT-PCR) Figure-A: CD44, CXCL16, IL-1b and […]

Dendritic cell assays

Dendritic cell assays Isolated monocytes from fresh healthy donor whole blood were differentiated into dendritic cells, validated by cytokine profiling and surface marker expression. Suitable in vitro assay models for measuring a compound’s effect on dendritic cell function and gene expression. Dendritic cell differentiation Figure-A: Methods for isolation of monocytes, maintenance, and differentiation into dendritic […]

Cytokine storm assay (Immunogenicity)

Cytokine storm assay (Immunogenicity) In vitro assay using PBMCs isolated from healthy donor whole blood. Suitable as a predictive model for immunogenicity risk assessment (Cytokine storm). Assay utilises Luminex multiplexing magnetic bead-based assay detection. Figure-A: Concentration of each Cytokine analyte (pg/mL) in PBMC supernatant from eight-donors. Data was plotted as y-axis (cytokine levels in pg/ml) […]